Brain & Body Things

How movement relates to dementia with Dr. Joe Verghese.

Dr. Natasha Mehta Season 3 Episode 3

Dr. Joe Verghese graduated from St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore, India in 1989. He did his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Neurology in United Kingdom. He completed his Neurology residency at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY in 1998. He did his fellowship training in Neurophysiology as well as Aging & Dementia in 1999 at the same institution. He received a Master of Science degree in Clinical Research Methods with Distinction in 2001. Dr Verghese is board-Certified in Neurology. 

Dr. Verghese is Professor of Neurology and Medicine, Murray D. Gross Memorial Faculty Scholar in Gerontology, and Director, Resnick Gerontology Center at Einstein. He is the Chief of the Division of Cognitive and Motor Aging (Neurology), and former Chief of Geriatrics (Medicine 2012-2023).

Dr. Verghese is a recipient of the Beeson award from the National institute on Aging as well as national awards from the American Geriatrics Society and the Gerontological Society of America. His research interest is the effects of disease and aging on mobility and cognition in older adults. He has over 300 peer-reviewed publications, and several current and past federally funded grants in this area. His current projects include non-pharmacological interventions to prevent dementia, the role of divided attention tasks such as walking while talking in predicting outcomes such as disability and cognitive decline, pre-dementia syndromes (Motoric Cognitive Risk syndrome), and global health studies.

In this episode, we dive deep into the evidence between lifestyle and dementia.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Different types of dementia.
  • Differentiating dementia from other types of cognitive impairment.
  • Early predictors of dementia.
  • The impact of movement on the brain.
  • Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome.
  • The future landscape of dementia care.

The podcast episodes drop weekly on Mondays in seasonal chunks. 

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